About Paige

HELLLLLOOOO dahhling! I’m Paige. I contain multitudes. But Let’s just skim the surface, shall we?!

I am a dreamer, a doer, a GET SHIT DONE-er. I am full of passion and I believe in a lot of things. Things like embracing your own unique WEIRDO self, taking the LEAP, doing that THING, going to that PLACE, saying those WORDS. I believe in the NOW, because you will never be truly ready for anything and you never know when it will be too late. I also believe in saving Mother Earth and the power of vintage!

I was born and raised in Wisconsin (never lost the accent!) but I now travel around the United States on tour with a Broadway musical and source my vintage along the way. I am a photographer that specializes in boudoir (Duende Boudoir) and an avid tree-hugger. I love fashion but over the years have grown to appreciate the art of adorning oneself in a way that feels authentic instead of blindly following trends. Wearing and selling vintage is my way of accomplishing that.

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